Sunday, December 30, 2012

welcome, 2013!

Hey guys!

I decided to write a post today since I knew my post-Christmas haul post isn't going to go up until tomorrow. I was watching some videos on YouTube of people's favorite things of 2012, which inspired me to do my own top ten favorite things about good ol' twenty-twelve. Not necessarily all beauty and fashion related, mind you! I wanted to just do a fun, personal post. (Psst- that doesn't mean my favorite clothes won't be included!) Without further ado, let us begin!

1. Going to NYC with my besties for my friend's sweet sixteen, spending way too much money, and having altogether an awesome time.

2. Putting on Macbeth over the summer. Even though it was a small cast, we pulled through. I think it was an awesome show. I got probably more acting time than I'll ever get again, and I got to play roles (read: Macbeth) that I'll never get to play again. I learned a lot, met some cool people, and got to try a ton of new things, from a murder mystery improv show to doing silent Japanese mask theater.

3. Getting the solo in White Christmas for my choir concert. Even though I messed up, I worked hard and proved I deserved that solo. And I composed myself as quickly as possible after the blunder. I learned one mistake doesn't define you as a bad singer. What defines us is our choices (as a wise wizard once said), and my choice was to get back up as quickly as possible and accept compliments with grace.

4. Going to Japan this past summer. The most amazing two weeks of my life. I saw so much. It was incredible to make so many new friends and be so immersed in a culture. I loved connecting with the other Japanese students, and I miss it every day. It was an experience I'll never forget.

5. Loving, and losing. There have been a lot of guys that I've liked this past year. A LOT. And I don't think any of them worked out...but thats okay. I'm not super confident and happy being single, but I try to remember just because one guy (or four guys) don't like you, it doesn't mean you will never find love. There's a whole lot of world out there, and a heck of a lot more people.

6. Seeing One Direction live. Alright guys, honesty time. I love One Direction. Yes, the band. Yes, you can laugh. I know not everyone loves them. But I am obsessed and seeing them live and in concert was one of the most amazing nights of my life. 'Nuff said.

7. Knowing my friends have my back. I've made some mistakes, and had some self-esteem issues. Its nice to know that when you're down, or when you mess up, your friends are there for you. And I know mine are. They genuinely care and I love them more than anything.

8. Finding the perfect homecoming dress. It was quite the ordeal, trying to find the right dress that wasn't crazy expensive. But my mom chipped in, and I found this amazing, perfect, classy LBD at a local dress shop. I felt confident, pretty, and sophisticated in it. Its tight, but not slutty. Simplet, yet elegant, but not stuffy. Its perfect. I think it helped make that night actually, even if it didn't go exactly as planned. Being dressed for the occasion makes it that much better.

9. Becoming a model! Well, kind of. I got the opportunity to model in that national magazine Girl's Life this year! They use real girls in their "Love Your Bod" section, and because I've interned there the past few summers they contacted me and asked me to be in their Holiday issue. Go check it out at your local grocery store- I'm in the Dec/Jan issue of GL, page 33, right next to the Babylips ad.

10. Starting The Fashion Collective. This year, I started a fashion club at my school. Not just any fashion club though- one sponsored by a real styling company, LITTLEbird! My boss, Jess, at GL got me the connection to the CEO of LITTLEbird, because Jess knew the CEO wanted high school fashionistas. Its an amazing opportunity for leadership at my school and for making a connection with someone in the industry. Its hard, managing and planning all the activities, but I love doing it because I have a passion for fashion (thanks Bratz).

Alright, I can't stick to just ten!

11. Joining cross country. Another tidbit you may not know about me- I'm kind of a health nerd. I love exercising and being healthy. I try to learn as much as possible. I even have a fitness tumblr too! (Check my actual tumblr for the details.) Anyways, this year, I decided I didn't love field hockey that much and I switched over to cross country. Its tough. Tougher than any other sport I've every played. But I LOVE it! Well, love/hate it :) I love how in shape I am, and my teammates. Hate the workouts and the meets, but you feel great afterwards. Nothing beats that runner's high! And I feel so accomplished, like I can conquer anything. And surprisingly, I'm not all that bad at running!

12. The Shakespeare Trip. I'm in a Shakespeare class at my school. In case you couldn't tell, I'm an English/History nerd. I love that stuff. Along with acting. So naturally, I signed up immediately for the Shakespeare class, which goes on a trip every year for a few days to a theater in Virginia to see plays and go to a workshop. It was so much fun! The plays were amazing, the actors were unbelievably brilliant, and being with my best friends made it, well, just that much better. Plus, we got free gelato every night. Schwing.

13. My friend's end-of-school party. At the end of tenth grade, my friend had his annual end-of-school party. This year was especially fun and significant. I had an awesome time, as expected, but I also got to know my friends a lot better. The usual game of truth or dare had an interesting start that, well, lets just say was big news. Now, it doesn't matter. I've actually become even closer with this friend. But it was a night I'll never forget.

And finally...

14. Starting this blog. I had a YouTube channel,  a tumblr, a Twitter...but it wasn't enough. I wanted something serious, that could make a big impact. That's why I decided to start this blog. I knew if I wanted to be a writer or journalist, I needed to start writing. That's what really turned me on to starting a blog. I want this blog to be a place for me to express my love for fashion and beauty, for me to practice my writing, and something that could be a professional platform that could launch me somewhere new someday. I'd love to work at a fashion magazine when I'm older, and I know writing is the way to get there. So thank you all, for reading this!

Well, that's that. My top moments. If I think of more, I'll return and edit this later...even though I have one more day before its 2013 haha :) Hope you all had a wonderful year, and lets all have an awesome new year!

xoxo Andi


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